Sunday, May 9, 2010

Downtime and retards.

Pics from a bored dude facing hours of downtime :D

It seems power cuts are getting more and more frequent recently and they only happen in the middle of the night -_-" Not to mention dead phoneline also happening alot. A conversation between me and TM staff.

Me : Hello my phone line is dead. Is there something wrong?

TM : Are the lights on your modem blinking?

In my head : Retard. My phone is dead of course I have no internet.

Me : No. Erm.. My phone line is dead.

TM : What is the brand of your modem?

Me : -facepalm- Prolink.

TM : Are you near your computer?

Me : -already know whats coming- Yeah.

TM : Ok which OS are you using?

In my head : WTF? I'm asking bout my phone line!

Me : XP.

TM : Go to start. Then click "Run". In the box type in cmd. I repeat C-M-D. Ok?

Me : Excuse me. I want to know about my phone line. Can you stop asking me about my modem? Of course theres no internet with the phone line dead!

TM : Please hold a moment.

-retarded music playing-

TM : Sir can you do a direct connection to your phone?

In my head : *pfffft* don't cha think I've done that?

Me : Yea sure...

-30 seconds later-

Me : Still dead.

TM : Does your house have an alarm system?

Me : -eyeball roll until fall out- NO.

TM : Can do you do a direct connection to your modem?

In my head : FFS!

Me : You know what? My phone is DEAD. I called you regarding my phone not regarding my internet -dimwit-. Just send a tech over and give me the reference number and your name thanks.

TM : Errrr.... Ok... please hold a moment

-retarded music-

Me : Muthafu-

TM : Sir please take down your reference number. 1-xxxxxxxxxxx

Me : Ok.

TM : Can you please repeat the reference number?

Me : -hangup-

I swear I can have a much more intelligent conversation talking to my 3 year old nephew -.-"
Seriously what kind of people do you hire Telekom? And WTF are you doing TNB?


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